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Boundary conditions given by functions


 I am using Abaqus/CAE to model the elastic behaviour of a plate. I would like to give/define a function to prescribe the displacement along one boundary, but Abaqus does not seem to accept this the way I'm doing it*. Can anyone help me out?


* on the Load module, I choose create boundary condition > displacement, then I select a boundary, select distribution user defined, and on u1 i type "x". I then get a message saying this is not accepted.

Dan Cojocaru's picture

If you select "Distribution: User-defined", you must supply the user subroutine DISP in the subroutines file attached to the job.

In the user subroutine DISP you can code the applied displacements as function of the nodal coordinates, node number, time etc..

I will try that.

Hi Sir,

     I'm a new one to the ABAQUS. I wanna to define a DISP function. The displacement of the nodes is related to the position. 

     Can you give me some advices??

     And if you don't mind, can you give me an example about this??


      Thank you very much!!


Best Regard

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