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Postdoctoral positions at UC Berkeley

ggu's picture

The Gu Research Group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley has postdoctoral positions available. 

We are looking for candidates with experience in one or more of the following research topics:

- Machine learning with experience in graph neural networks and reinforcement learning

- Finite element analysis (ANSYS, ABAQUS, or COMSOL) and computational fluid dynamics

- Additive manufacturing of soft materials and biomaterials

Candidates from mechanical, aerospace, materials science, civil and environmental engineering, or related fields are encouraged to apply.  

The appointment is for one year with the possibility of an extension. Evaluations will start immediately until the position is filled. The ideal start date is July 2022. Interested candidates should send the following information as a single PDF to Prof. Grace Gu ( with the subject line “Postdoctoral Application – [Name]”:

1)     Cover Letter – include your background, desired start date, career goals after the postdoc position, and experience in the topics mentioned above. 

2)     CV that includes a full list of publications

3)     Names and contact information of two references

4)     [Optional] Copies of up to three relevant papers

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