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Post-Doc in Medical Robotics at AMMI Lab - available immediately

bardia's picture

The Advanced Materials and Medical Instruments (AMMI) Lab at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) invites applications for a Postdoctoral Scholar in the area of medical robotics, control, treatment planning, operation, image processing, and clinical assessment.  The project is funded by agencies such as NSF and NIH. Our lab is actively working with local medical schools and clinics on several projects to develop and test minimally invasive robots to improve treatment planning, medical procedures, and outcomes.  Prospective applicants should hold a PhD degree in mechanical/electrical engineering, computer science, or other related disciplines. Strong research and publication background is desired. Applicants should have expertise in medical robotics.  Application Package:Applicants should send the following items, in a single pdf, via email with subject line 'AMMI postdoc application' to konh@hawaii.edu1. A cover letter summarizing research background and interests (< 1 page)2. Curriculum vitae with a list of at least three references
3. At least three papers (published, accepted for publication, or in-preparation), showing expertise in the area of medical robotics
4. Doctoral dissertation topic and the expected date of graduation (if currently pursuing a Ph.D.) 

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