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thermal stress in ANSYS


I'm using ANSYS for study the internal stresses of a trilayer structure resulting after a cooling process. The middle layer (the solder) has temperature dependent material properties and the other two layers can be considered temperature indipendent mat. properties. If I use a static analysis the software uses the material properties reffered to final temperature.

For an linear elastic analysis is this a realistic procedure?

If the solder deforms plastically at high temperature and not at final can I do?

I try to do a transient analysis defining the properties of solder at various temperatures. The tensile stress resulting in solder layer is very close to the one from static analysis.


cwwu's picture

This simulation is of course realizable, acyually, recently I've done such a work. The residual stress within a duplex coating has been investigated.

If the plasticity is to be considered, a ‘transient’ analysis should be carried through to involve the loading history effect on this problem, during which the inertia effect can be neglected in the analysis.


I am working on my M.s.c thesis that is about numerical simulation of fatigue strenght of resistance spot welding joints of thin steel plate consist of three different coatings on steel and at first I should model this plate in ANSYS and then apply thermal and mechanical condition to specimen to find residual stress distribution.I havenot found any paper or journal about coating modeling until I found you and I dont know exactly from where should start modeling in ANSYS.Can you help me?

Behzad Hemmati 

you can use of skins or composite layer in abaqus.

be successful.

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