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Webinar on Undergraduate Research Opportunities in STEM

Happy to announce that along with Oscar Lopez-Pamies from UIUC, I will be hosting a webinar this Friday 11/4 at noon Eastern time.  The webinar will discuss undergraduate research opportunities in STEM.  It will be held over Zoom but also live-streamed via Facebook.

Interested students or faculty can register here:

This effort is part of a joint NSF project Oscar and I have together, and is part of what we are doing for outreach.  It is a collaboration with LatinXEd in NC, who have helped us promote the webinar to under-represented groups.  

The campaign has been active on social media, you can see this tweet:

or this posting on Instagram, for example:

Please do feel free to forward any of the above to undergraduates you know who might be interested in this.  We will be discussing opportunities at the national labs as well as universities.  The opportunities we will be discussing are confined to the US, but the perspective we will offer does generalize more broadly. 

The session will also be recorded and posted to Zoom after the event.  I'll update this post accordingly when the time comes.  

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