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Faculty Position in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania

Dan Gianola's picture

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University
of Pennsylvania
invites applications for a tenure track faculty
. Applications will be considered from outstanding candidates
in any emerging area of Materials Science and Engineering. Successful
candidates will be committed to excellence in undergraduate and
graduate teaching, in particular curriculum development related to
nanomaterials and emerging energy technologies. They will also conduct
leading edge research programs benefiting from Penn’s strong
interdisciplinary tradition and multi-school research institutes,
including the Nanotechnology Institute and the Institute of Medicine
and Engineering
, and two NSF-funded centers, a Materials Research
Science and Engineering Center
and a Nanoscale Science and Engineering

Applications (CV, statement of research and teaching interests, and names of three references) should be submitted online.

Applications submitted by mail will not be accepted.

Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis.

Final deadline for submission: November 1, 2009

The University of Pennsylvania is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

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