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Connector - Join + Cardan

hi, i am using connector - jin + cardan to connect 2 beam elements; a beam and a column.

i applied a tip load to the edge of the beam in abaqus standard. for the connector, i keyed in the elastic properties and the plastic properties in terms of plastic moment and plastic rotation.

the tip of the beam has displacement but when i specify output for the connector, moment, force and rotation at the connection. all the outputs are zero. i have tried to name the column node as the first node and the beam node as the second node and vice versa, but it does not work. and when i zoomed into the results view, it seemed that the beam is detached from the node at the column at the connector; the beam does not seem to bend.

i would appreciate if anyone can tell me whats the mistake that i did. attached my input file for comments.

Plain text icon Beam-Connector.txt59.56 KB



i seemed to be defining the connector wrongly. in abaqus manual, it states that i need to do the following.

ConnectorGeometryCreate Wire Feature
ConnectorSectionCreate: Name: connector section name
ConnectorAssignmentCreate: select wires: Section: connector section name

however, i cam unable to create the wire feature. I am using beam elements for both beam and column. can someone help? thank you.

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