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Postdoc position in tissue mechanics -Position has been filled

vicky.nguyen's picture

I am seeking a postdoctoral candidate starting  June 2010 or later to design and carry-out  experiments to characterize the mechanical behavior of the sclera and other ocular tissues.  The sclera is the largest load bearing structure of the eye. It is composed of interweaving lamellae of collagen Type I fibrils embedded in a hydrated proteoglycan matrix.  Recent studies have suggested that the sclera plays an important role in the development of two prevalent ocular diseases,  glaucoma and myopia.   However, little is known about the mechanical behavior of the sclera, the underlying deformation mechanisms, and the evolution of the microstructure and mechanical properties of the sclera as they relate to the onset and progression of diseases.  The duties of the position includes the development of inflation testing procedures for human and mice specimens, development of a digitial image correlation technique, and computational modeling to investigate the microstructural origins of the mechanical behavior of healthy and diseased tissues.  

The candidate is required to have a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering,  Bioengineering, or a related field.  Experience with conducting experiments on soft tissues or soft organic materials is desired.  To apply, please e-mail a complete curriculum vitae, the names and addresses of two references, and a representative publication to:

Prof. Vicky Nguyen

The Johns Hopkins University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
3400 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218


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