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Flow stress


I am working on a thesis project dealing with flow stress in cold rolling, a plane strain operation. To determine the flow stress, tensile tests were carried out. I am aware, that the engineering strain/stress hast to be transfered to the true strain/stress and then the true strain/stress from the tensile test has to be mulitplied with the Von Mises yield criterion to yield the correspondent compressive flow stress in the rolling situation.

But i dont know which strain from the rolling reduction I have to input into the flow curve which is determined by the tensile test.

For example: if, during one pass, there is a reduction from 3.5mm to 3mm in rolling, resulting in a draft of 0.5mm and a strain of (3.5-3)/3.5=0.143, can i input this strain directly into the true stress-true strain curve to get the true flow stress or do i have to modify the strain first, to "translate" it from the rolling reduction (compressive, plane strain) to the situation in the tensile test (uniaxial stress)?

I would be very thankful if anybody can help me with this problem.


Min Yi's picture

If ABAQUS IS used, the true strain crresponding to flow stress from  tension text should be used. I think Cauchy stress and logarithm strain is fit for this problem,

Yours Sincerely Min Yi

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