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fracture resistance

Bent F. Sørensen's picture

A paper on fracture resistance enhancement of layered structures by multiple cracks

We have just published a new paper that presents a theoretical model to test if the fracture resistance of a layered structure can be increased by introducing weak layers changing the cracking mechanism. An analytical model, based on the J integral, predicts a linear dependency between the number of cracks and the steady state fracture resistance. A finite element cohesive zone model, containing two cracking planes for simplicity, is used to check the theoretical model and its predictions.

NANOVEA's picture

Fracture Resistance of Silicon With Nano Scratch Testing

Scratch testing, using nano loads, has become widely used for the study of adhesion strength and marring resistance of thin films and coatings. This same test can also be used to study fracture behavior on brittle substrates similar to a marring resistance test approach. This can provide an in-depth observation of failure on delicate substrate materials at precisely controlled and recorded loads.

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