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Wave dynamics

Postdoc on elastic metamaterials at the University of Trento (Italy)

A Postdoc position is available at the Excellence Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering of the Università di Trento, Italy to work with the Coordinator prof. Nicola Pugno on a EU-funded H2020 FET Open project on elastic metamaterials entitled "BOHEME: Bioinspired Hierarchical Metamaterials" and its follow up.

Ramathasan Thevamaran's picture

Environmentally induced exceptional points in elastodynamics

We study the nature of an environment-induced exceptional point in a non-Hermitian pair of coupled mechanical oscillators. The mechanical oscillators are a pair of pillars carved out of a single isotropic elastodynamic medium made of aluminum and consist of carefully controlled differential losses. The interoscillator coupling originates exclusively from background modes associated with the “environment,” that portion of the structure which, if perfectly rigid, would support the oscillators without coupling.

Postdoc position - wave dynamics/metamaterials

We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow in the fields of mechanical engineering for a duration of 12 months in the wave dynamic lab ( at Beijing Institute of Technology in China. Any candidates with strong experience in wave dynamics of periodic structures, metamaterials and soft structures are welcome. Gross salary 30,000USD annually. 

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