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Job offer for postdoctoral researcher

The project consists of developing new computational and modeling tools to address solid-multiphase fluid coupled problems using Isogeometric Analysis.

1-year contract. Renewable one more year

Annual gross allowance: From 20000 to 30000 Eur depending on the candidate's qualifications.

To apply, send your CV and a Cover Letter to

Post-doct position : Isogeometry-based analysis and design

INRIA (the French national institute for research in computer science and control) has currently eight centres, and the Opale Project-Team is primarily located in the Sophia Antipolis Centre, near the city of Antibes. Our research focuses on functional and numerical analysis, and numerical simulation, with a special emphasis on optimization in science and engineering (compressible aerodynamics, electromagnetics, structural design, etc) with strong links with industry.

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