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carpick's picture

Open faculty positions in Mechanical Engineering at UPenn


Hello friends. The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics within the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) at the University of Pennsylvania seeks applicants for tenure-track assistant professors. Applicants at all levels will be considered. 

arash_yavari's picture

On Eshelby's Inclusion Problem in Nonlinear Anisotropic Elasticity

The recent literature of finite eignestrains in nonlinear elastic solids is reviewed, and Eshelby's inclusion problem at finite strains is revisited. The subtleties of the analysis of combinations of finite eigenstrains for the example of  combined finite radial, azimuthal, axial, and twist eigenstrains in a finite circular cylindrical bar are discussed. The stress field of a spherical inclusion with uniform pure dilatational eigenstrain in a radially-inhomogeneous spherical ball made of arbitrary incompressible isotropic solids is analyzed.

Mogadalai Gururajan's picture

Eshelby solution: 2-D code for benchmarking

This is a C code based on Jaswon and Bhargava for 2-D solution for the Eshelby problem. Please feel free to write to me in case you find any errors. I am sharing this code under GNU GPL license. In order to upload the code, the file extension is given as txt. Once you download the code, remove the .txt and keep only the .c extension. The command

gcc JaswonBhargava.c -lm

will compile and give you the executable to run.

arash_yavari's picture

On the Stress Field of a Nonlinear Elastic Solid Torus with a Toroidal Inclusion

In this paper we analyze the stress field of a solid torus made of an incompressible isotropic solid with a toroidal inclusion that is concentric with the solid torus and has a uniform distribution of pure dilatational finite eigenstrains. We use a perturbation analysis and calculate the residual stresses to the first order in the thinness ratio (the ratio of the radius of the generating circle and the overall radius of the solid torus). In particular, we show that the stress field inside the inclusion is not uniform.

eshelby inclusion - primer to started wanted

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Hi everybody,
for understanding some cae tools for short fiber composites, i need to get started on
the eshelby inclusion problem. Reading the paper from 1957, it appears well written.
However without any background, it is difficult.
I wonder if there are any light explainations to the problem freely available on the
web. Or some free course work for this topic could be useful.
Any link would be really apprecihated. Thanks,

Gouse's picture

Effect of interface


I am simulating failure of concrete in tension and compression on a concrete representative element volume. I have modeled mortar matrix and aggregate (inclusion) separately i.e my model consists of two material and assumed them as perfectly bonded. My question is, if I add interface zone between matrix and inclusion how will it effect my overall failre or can I neglect inerface.

With Warm Regards


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