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Effect of interface

Gouse's picture


I am simulating failure of concrete in tension and compression on a concrete representative element volume. I have modeled mortar matrix and aggregate (inclusion) separately i.e my model consists of two material and assumed them as perfectly bonded. My question is, if I add interface zone between matrix and inclusion how will it effect my overall failre or can I neglect inerface.

With Warm Regards



k1suthar's picture

Dear Gouse:

I am a newbie in this field of composite concrete and even writing a response
to a blog, however I am dealing with magnetoelastic composites, which has
similar problem.

Anyway, apart from that recently I have attended a conference in which one
research group has done some analysis based on the composite configuration.
They have used Mori-Tanaka approach with a numerically calculated Eshelby's
tensor to solve the electrostatic modulus in terms of the constituent modulus
to further estimate the effective modulus. You may look at the abstract
and paper ( which will come out in a months' time). This may be a
different topi, but you may take advantage of the approximation


Smart Structures/NDE 2009, march 8-12 San Diego, CA

Conf. 7289: Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional
Materials and Composites III

7289-45, Session 9
Investigation of aspect ratio on the electroelastic properties of
C. C. Andrews, Y. Lin, H. A. Sodano, Arizona State Univ.

Hope this may help you.




Gouse's picture

Hi Kamlesh

Thank you for suggstions, I will go through your reffered papers, hope they will be useful. But my doubt was how can failure behavior changes with a weak interface.

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