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A Thermodynamic Model of Physical Gels

Physical gels are characterized by dynamic cross-linksthat are constantly created and broken, changing its state between solid andliquid under influence of environmental factors.

Mechanism To Increase Energy Efficiency.

 It is about using Cam for increase
energy efficiency. Cam are generally used to open and close valve of IC
Engine. I am going to show you another use. Left side initial position.
Right side final position. Redius of cam continuously decrease.Sliding
weight (MG) applied on Cam. With the help of rope weight(MG*Cos(b)) is
fixed with cam. We consider b as 45. So cos 45=.70. This fixed weight
should be 0.70 MG. Which balance the sliding weight applied on cam in
tengential direction. As sliding weight come down the fixed weight go

Mechanism To Increase Energy Efficiency.

View the figure attached. It is about using Cam for increase
energy efficiency. Cam are generally used to open and close valve of IC
Engine. I am going to show you another use. Left side initial position.
Right side final position. Redius of cam continuously decrease.Sliding
weight (MG) applied on Cam. With the help of rope weight(MG*Cos(b)) is
fixed with cam. We consider b as 45. So cos 45=.70. This fixed weight
should be 0.70 MG. Which balance the sliding weight applied on cam in
tengential direction. As sliding weight come down the fixed weight go
up. But the twist is the redius of cam decrease nominal continuously.
So sliding weight come down little bit and fixed weight go up much
more. We consider sliding weight come dowm H2 height and fixed weight

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