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damage plasticity

failure analysis of composite material

hi i am new to abaqus software.  i am doing research on failure analysis of composite material.  i want to model the workpiece and machine by a tool.  any one can please help me if you have any tutorial to model this explicit analysis.  i want to analyse the chip also.

please send the help link to


with regards


Chao Du's picture

difficulties in modeling the elastoplastic damage behavior of rock salt

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Dear all,

I want to construct a constitutive relation to model the elastoplastic damage behavior of rock salt which is considered as an excellent host medium for gas storage facilities. Because rock salt is a kind of typical geomaterials, confinement sensitive and inclusion effect should be considered in the constitutive model. However, I have encountered many difficulties in the course of the study. There are some issues I am a little confused.

Chao Du's picture

difficulties in modeling elastoplastic damage behavior of rock salt

Dear all,

I want to construct a constitutive relation to model the elastoplastic damage behavior of rock salt which is considered as an excellent host medium for gas storage facilities. Because rock salt is a kind of typical geomaterials, confinement sensitive and inclusion effect should be considered in the constitutive model. However, I have encountered many difficulties in the course of the study. There are some issues I am a little confused.

Plastic Collapse for a pressurised vessel

Hi there ,

 I'm a researcher from UNSW sydney .

 I'm working on the elastic-plastic-creep based on the exhaution of energy density.

 I've came with a new idea for plastic collapse ,which is based on the exhausion of enrgy .

 The work is not yet publish , because I would like to ask your help here .

 Does anyone know or would like to help me to have an APDL file for plastic collapse analysis in ANSYS


Thanks for advance


Damage Accumulation and Fracture Initiation in Uncracked Ductile Solids


Damage accumulation and fracture initiation in uncracked ductile solids subject to triaxial loading
Liang Xue, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 44, Issue 16, 1 August 2007, Pages 5163-5181

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