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ductile fracture

alankar's picture

Finite element implementation of Field Crack Mechanics for brittle and ductile fracture

Sharing a new article "Finite element implementation of Field Crack Mechanics for brittle and ductile fracture" by my Ph.D. student BVSS Bharadwaja at IIT Bombay, which has been accepted for publication in Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. Also see attached. Thanks to Prof. Amit Acharya for the motivation and discussion.

Cihan Tekoğlu's picture

Representative Volume Element Calculations under Constant Stress Triaxiality, Lode Parameter, and Shear Ratio

Recent experiments showed that the Lode parameter, which distinguishes between axisymmetric and shear dominated stress states, has a profound effect on material ductility, especially at low stress triaxiality. Consequently, the theoretical framework for void growth and coalescence is currently being revisited, which often involve performing representative volume element (RVE) calculations. The present study investigates an RVE composed of a cubic unit cell containing a spherical void at its center.

Gi-Dong Sim's picture

Improving the stretchability of as-deposited Ag coatings on poly-ethylene-terephthalate substrates

In this paper, we report that silver films evaporated on poly-ethylene-terephthalate (PET) substrates coated with an acrylic primer can be stretched beyond 70% without fracture. As-deposited films show a larger failure strain than annealed coatings. These observations are rationalized in light of a ductile fracture mechanism where debonding from the substrate coevolves with strain localization. The results of this study indicate that PET substrates coated with an acrylic primer layer may be suitable for stretchable electronics.

shyam's picture

New paper on a Gurson like fracture model for plastically anisotropic materials

Hello All. This is my first blog entry in iMechanica!. This post is about my new paper with Prof. Amine Benzerga entitled "A constitutive model for plastically anisotropic solids with non-spherical voids", accepted for publication in JMPS (URL: ). In case you are not able to view the online version, a preprint of the paper is attached. This paper should be of interest to anyone working in the ductile fracture area. Your comments and feedback are welcome.

Postdoctoral Appointee – Computational Plasticity

A postdoctoral position at Sandia National Labs in Livermore, CA is available for an applied mechanics engineer with a strong background in computational constitutive model development. The work will support our current projects in the areas of continuum plasticity and failure modeling. The applicant will also be expected to implement models into Sandia computer codes for high-performance computing simulations. In addition, the candidate will collaborate with structural analysts to apply these advanced models to Sandia applications.

Percy W. Bridgman

"for the invention of an apparatus to produce extremely high pressures, and for the discoveries he made therewith in the field of high pressure physics"

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1946


(b. April 21, 1882, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.--d. Aug. 20, 1961, Randolph, N.H.), American experimental physicist noted for his studies of materials at high temperatures and pressures. For his work he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1946.

Damage Accumulation and Fracture Initiation in Uncracked Ductile Solids


Damage accumulation and fracture initiation in uncracked ductile solids subject to triaxial loading
Liang Xue, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 44, Issue 16, 1 August 2007, Pages 5163-5181

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