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PhD vacancy (4 years) on computational mechanics of thick adhesive joints in large wind turbine blades

Over the last years, UGent-MMS has developed the stand-alone BladeMesher software for generating finite element models of large wind turbine blades. The software reads in the material data and airfoil data of the wind turbine blade, and automatically constructs the geometry and finite element mesh for the blade. In a next step, the nodal and element information of the finite element mesh is written out to an input file for a commercial finite element solver (Abaqus in this case).

5 PhD positions in solid mechanics

There are 5 vacant PhD positions with good stipend in the field of solid mechanics, constitutive modelling and numerical simulations. We are looking for very competent, creative students all over the world. It is a rare opportunity for a young scientist to develop his versatile skills and this is your chance. As some people know, SIMLab (Structural Impact Laboratory) is internationally reputed group working on problems related to Crashworthiness and Structural Impact. Our group recently got a Centre for Research based Innovation (CRI). All these positions are filling under CRI. Please find the details in the links here:

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