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EFG in LS-DYNA for crack simulation

Hello, everyone!

I am a graduate student in Hunan Univ, my research field is meshless method. Instead of using codes to calculate, I find EFG has been well developed in ls-dyna, and using software may be more convienient for me.  

But I can only find some introductional information, so I want to find some useful material in!


XFEM2011 ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Partition of Unity Enrichment and Applications

Dear colleagues,

Apologies for cross postings.

The second ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the eXtended Finite Element
Method (XFEM) will take place in Cardiff (Cardiff University) in the
period 29 June - 1 July 2011. [see for

We would like to invite you and your students to submit original
research contributions in the area of partition of unity enrichment.
In particular, we welcome contributions to the following topics:

EFG Method using LS-Dyna

Hello All,


I am a Masters Student trying to model a cyst in a Nerve for which i need to obtain large deformation(not displacement) which is not able to model with the help of Finite Element Tools(used Abaqus previously but no success).

 I searched through the Internet and got to know that Meshless Methods are well known for Large Deformation.I found on the web that LSDyna has commercial code of EFG which i feel will be useul to me.

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