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Reservoir Simulation

EnginSoftUK's picture

Oil & Gas Webinar - Save Time and Money While Pushing Reservoir Data Handling to New Frontiers

Tuesday 11th September

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Kraken is a powerful cost and time-saving reservoir simulation post-processor, originally developed for a key Brazilian client by ESSS, South America's leading engineering simulation solutions company.

It features a modern user interface tailored to the visualization and manipulation of multiple scenarios and data sets from all leading reservoir simulators, within any user workflow.

Join us for a free 1-hour Kraken web event on Tuesday 11th September, presented by Marcos Damiani (ESSS) including a Live Demo of Kraken.

Andrew Bunger's picture

Postdoctoral Fellow - Geomechanical Modelling, Perth, Australia

CSIRO division of Earth Science and Resource Engineering is seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow to develop a coupled Thermo-Hydro-Chemo-Mechanical (THCM) reservoir model for application to Engineered Geothermal Systems. To read the position details and to apply please visit this link:


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