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Finding element number corresponding to Fastener in a set in Abaqus

I have a model in which I used fasteners to find bolt forces. I created fastener sets and requested output by changing Domain to "Fastener" and selecting the set that contains Fasteners.
The problem now is, I'm not sure which force corresponds to particular bolt.

How to model fastener with same force-displacement behavior for all translational directions in a plane in Abaqus?

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<p>Hi everyone. I want to model the fasteners connecting a wood sheathing to a steel frame in Abaqus. I want to input the same force-displacement behavior for all translational directions in the plane of the sheathing (like a radial spring). <br /> <br /> I was using spring element type Spring2 (nonlinear) but I could define behavior in only 2 translational directions in the sheathing plane (X and Z). This made my model overly stiff after the elastic range. I read about the RADIAL-THRUST connector element but it does not seem to be the one.

How to model fastener with same force-displacement behavior for all translational directions in a plane in Abaqus?

<p>Hi everyone. I want to model the fasteners connecting a wood sheathing to a steel frame in Abaqus. I want to input the same force-displacement behavior for all translational directions in the plane of the sheathing (like a radial spring). <br /> <br /> I was using spring element type Spring2 (nonlinear) but I could define behavior in only 2 translational directions in the sheathing plane (X and Z). This made my model overly stiff after the elastic range. I read about the RADIAL-THRUST connector element but it does not seem to be the one.

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