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BoJing Zhu

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Blog entrySegementation of interface and surface from three-phases BoJing Zhu09 years 3 months ago
Blog entryBenchmark: 3D geometrical model established from 3D lattice Green function & lattice Boltzmann method and Blob 3D code BoJing Zhu010 years 8 months ago
Forum topicFunctionally Graded Materials Dhirendra Kubair5210 years 9 months ago
Blog entryOne 3DLBM example: plastic creep simulation BoJing Zhu011 years 5 months ago
Blog entryPostDoc Dissertation: Hybird wave time-domain hypersingular integral equation-lattice Boltzmann method to earthquake fault slip BoJing Zhu011 years 8 months ago
Blog entryA D3Q27 LBM MODEL FOR POROSITY COMPOSITES UNDER EMTE FILED BoJing Zhu011 years 10 months ago
D3Q27 MODEL BoJing Zhu011 years 10 months ago
Blog entryCastigliano theorem_Strain energy method BoJing Zhu313 years 5 months ago
Blog entryA simple case: Extended pore stress for Reservoir/Earthquak problem BoJing Zhu013 years 7 months ago
Blog entryTwo cases about using 3D LBM code BoJing Zhu013 years 10 months ago
Blog entryTimoshenko: Father of Engineering Mechanics BoJing Zhu314 years 2 months ago
Blog entryLudwig Boltzmann: the man who trusted atom(Chinese version) BoJing Zhu014 years 2 months ago
Blog entryA simple model for contact problem of different earth plate BoJing Zhu214 years 3 months ago
Blog entryHow to use ABAQUS deal with irregular interface problem? BoJing Zhu114 years 7 months ago
BoJing zHU BoJing Zhu014 years 7 months ago
Blog entryCan we use constitutive relation at micro/macro scale to molecules scale ? BoJing Zhu014 years 9 months ago
Blog entryComparison of intrapore velocities measured and simulated in the highly macro-porous biscayne aquifer BoJing Zhu015 years 1 month ago
Blog entryCan we creat a new kind of "boundary condition" to LBM for solve the mulpiple coupled fields problems BoJing Zhu015 years 3 months ago
Blog entrySih's Strain Energy Density Approach in Fracture - why is it not very popular? yoursdhruly1715 years 6 months ago
Blog entryFracture flow problem BoJing Zhu115 years 9 months ago
Blog entryNumerical simulation results(part1): fracture of multiphase micro flow BoJing Zhu016 years 3 weeks ago
Blog entryMechanics of Soft Active Materials (SAMs) Zhigang Suo216 years 3 months ago
Blog entryDynamic extended SIFs under P- and S-waves BoJing Zhu016 years 5 months ago
Blog entryNikolaos I.Ioakimidis _introduce hypersingular integral equations into 3D fracture mechanics BoJing Zhu316 years 6 months ago
Blog entryDissertation:Hypersingular Integral Equation Method to 3D Crack in Fully Coupled Electromagnetothermoelastic Multiphase Composit BoJing Zhu016 years 9 months ago


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