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ASME AMD Award Nominations 2015

Traditionally, the deadline for ASME AMD awards nominations has been the 5th of November. However, starting from this year, the AMD executive committee instituted the new deadline of October 1st (see the earlier announcement here). This was done to allow the various awards committee members adequate time to review the growing number of nomination well before the IMECE annual conference.

arash_yavari's picture

The Twist-Fit Problem: Finite Torsional and Shear Eigenstrains in Nonlinear Elastic Solids

Eigenstrains in nonlinear elastic solids are created through defects, growth, or other anelastic effects. These eigenstrains are known to be important as they can generate residual stresses and alter the overall response of the solid. Here, we study the residual stress fields generated by finite torsional or shear eigenstrains. This problem is addressed by considering a cylindrical bar made of an incompressible isotropic solid with an axisymmetric distribution of shear eigenstrains.

dmitri_vasiukov's picture

PostDoc position

Postdoctoral position is open at the "Technologie des Polymères et Composites & Ingénierie Mécanique" (MINES-Douai, France). This project is a part of the European project JOIN'EM. Candidate is expected to conduct enriched FEM simulation and should have strong background in the mechanics of composites (multi-scale modelling and fatigue damage). The following experience is expected from the candidate, i.e. coding and/or scripting, fatigue damage simulation and material model development (ABAQUS/UMAT). 

ESIS's picture

Discussion of fracture paper #12 - Crack paths and fracture process region autonomy

Cracks typically follow paths that locally give a mode I crack tip load. At mixed modes crack are extended via a kink in a direction that locally restores mode I. In isotropic materials this is known to more or less, true for static and dynamic loads. Exceptions are cracks that are subjected to high compressive load, e.g., at contact between train wheels and rails or at cracks caused by seismic movements. Other exceptions are cracks growing in anisotropic materials, at grain boundaries or other weak, or by deformation weakened, interfaces. 

The recently published 

Wenbin Yu's picture

Journal Club Theme of October 2015: Mechanics of Structure Genome

The aim of this post is to introduce the mechanics of structure genome (MSG) as a possible unified approach for constitutive modeling of structures and materials. Because this discussion relates with structural mechanics and micromechanics, two familiar topics which have been studied by many, it is difficult to cite all the relevant references in a blog post without missing important ones. Thus, I only share some general understanding of relevant topics which are available from typical textbooks.

Isogeometric Analysis

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

Hi Everyone,

Can someone tell me where i can find lectures or anything related to Isogeometric alanysis so that I can learn this techniqe.


Reuben Govender's picture

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

The Blast Impact and Survivability Research Unit (BISRU) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Cape Town, is seeking candidates for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. The candidate would conduct research in the area of failure of fibre reinforced polymers and sandwich panels under extreme loading (blast and or impact), with a focus on erosion  / pulverisation of the FRP face sheets. Candidates must have completed a PhD or be able to show evidence of submission.

behrad_koohbor's picture

Call for Abstracts: “Dynamic Behavior of Composites” at SEM 2016 (Buena Vista, FL, June 6-9, 2016)

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to submit an abstract for the 'Dynamic Behavior of Composites' under session track 1 'Dynamic Behavior of Materials' for the upcoming SEM XIII international Conference in Orlando, FL June 6-9, 2016

PhD positions in Mechanical Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal

Three graduate student positions are available at Polytechnique Montréal in the field of fire resistance of composite materials. The use of materials based on lightweight composite and aluminum, although common in other parts of the aircraft, remains a challenge around the engines because of the fire resistance prescribed by certification requirements. The present project focuses on the use of such materials for the manufacturing of fan cases and bypass ducts for turbofan aircraft engines.

Markus J. Buehler's picture

MIT Faculty Positions in Civil and Environmental Engineering

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) invites applications for several tenure-track faculty positions to begin July 2016 or thereafter. Appointments will be at the assistant or untenured associate professor level. In special cases, a senior faculty appointment may be possible.  We will consider exceptional candidates in all areas related to Civil and Environmental Engineering.  Further information about the department can be found at

chenlei08's picture

Two PhD openings in Mechanical Engineering at Mississippi State University

There are two PhD openings in Dr. Lei Chen’s group to study computational mechanics and microstructure modelling starting from spring 2016 or fall 2016 in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems, at Mississippi State University. Visiting students or scholars are also welcome.

Harley T. Johnson's picture

Faculty Positions in Mechanical Science and Engineering at UIUC

The Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites applications for multiple faculty positions in all ranks.  Emphasis is on the areas of manufacturing, materials, and computational science; however, excellent candidates will be considered in all areas related to mechanical science and engineering.  Successful candidates are expected to teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels, establish and maintain active research programs, and provide service to the department, the university, and the profession. 

unnithan's picture

Tenure Track Faculty Position in Space/Astronautics, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, The University of Alabama

The Department of Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics (AEM) at The University of Alabama invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in areas related to space and astronautics. It is anticipated that the successful candidate will join the faculty at the rank of tenure-track Assistant Professor, although exceptional candidates may be considered for higher rank depending upon experience and qualifications.

arash_yavari's picture

The Weak Compatibility Equations of Nonlinear Elasticity and the Insufficiency of the Hadamard Jump Condition for Non-Simply Connected Bodies

We derive the compatibility equations of L2 displacement gradients on non-simply-connected bodies. These compatibility equations are useful for non-smooth strains such as those associated with deformations of multi-phase materials. As an application of these compatibility equations, we study some configurations of different phases around a hole and show that, in general, the classical Hadamard jump condition is not a sufficient compatibility condition.

Shuman_Xia's picture

Call for Abstracts: Symposium on “Mechanics of Energy and Energetic Materials” at SEM 2016 (Buena Vista, FL, June 6-9, 2016)

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to cordially invite you to submit an abstract to the 2016 Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) International Congress session on “Mechanics of Energy and Energetic Materials”. The conference will be held in Buena Vista, FL from June 6–9, 2016. Abstracts are due October 5, 2015 via the website.

Mechanics of Energy and Energetic Materials

Timothy Truster's picture

Invitation for Abstracts: Computational Mechanics Symposium at EMI 2016 (Vanderbilt)

Dear Colleagues

I would like to make you aware of a computational solid mechanics minisymposium being organized for the 2016 EMI-PMC conference at Vanderbilt University, May 22-25, 2016:

MS 15: Computational Methods and Applications for Solid and Structural Mechanics 

mohsenzaeem's picture

postdoctoral position - phase field modeling

A postdoctoral research associate position is available immediately in the Computational Materials & Mechanics Laboratory at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Rolla),

Candidates need to have a strong background in Phase Field Modeling (PFM).

Interested candidates should send their CV and two to three of their journal articles (in PFM area) to Prof. Zaeem at

Call for Nominations for the Zdeněk P. Bažant Medal for Failure and Damage Prevention

EMI, the Engineering Mechanics Institute of ASCE, is pleased to announce that the ASCE Board of Direction has established the Zdenek P. Bazant Medal for Failure and Damage Prevention.  This award was established to honor Zdeněk P. Bažant, Ph.D., S.E., NAS, NAE, Hon.M.ASCE, a recognized expert in the field of analytical and computational modeling of failure of quasi-brittle materials.


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