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Vikram Gavini's blog

Vikram Gavini's picture

Faculty positions at University of Michigan (Solid Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics)

There are multiple faculty positions (tenured/tenure-track, open rank) open in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan. The focus of our search this year is in the areas of solid mechanics and fluid mechanics. Link to the announcement:



Vikram Gavini

Vikram Gavini's picture

Higher-order adaptive finite-element methods for Kohn-Sham density functional theory

Dear Colleagues,

I wish to share with you our recent article on "Higher-order adaptive finite-element method for Kohn-Sham density functional theory", which will soon appear in the Journal of Computational Physics. Below is the abstract and attached is a preprint of the article.

P. Motamarri, N.R. Nowak, K. Leiter, J. Knap, V. Gavini, Higher-order adaptive finite-element methods for Kohn-Sham density functional theory, J. Comp. Phys. 253, 308-343 (2013).

Vikram Gavini's picture

A homogenization analysis of the field theoretic approach to the quasi-continuum method

Dear Colleagues,

I wish to bring to your attention my recent work with Liping Liu on "A homogenization analysis of the field theoretic approach to the quasi-continuum method" to appear in the Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. Below is the abstract and attached is the preprint of the article. I will very much appreciate your comments and suggestions.

A Homogenization Analysis of the Field Theoretic Approach to the Quasi-Continuum Method

Vikram Gavini's picture

USNCCM-11 Minisymposium on Multiscale Computation and Modeling of Microstructural Defects in Materials

11th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics 

July 25-29, 2011. Minneapolis, Minnesota

Minisymposium on Multiscale Computation and Modeling of Microstructural Defects in Materials (symposium 9.2)

Vikram Gavini's picture

A Field Theoretic Approach to the Quasi-Continuum Method

Dear Colleagues,

I wish to bring to your attention my recent work with Mrinal Iyer on a field theoretic approach to the quasi-continuum method to appear in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. Below is the abstract and attached is the preprint of the article. I will very much appreciate your comments and suggestions.

A Field Theoretic Approach to the Quasi-Continuum Method

Vikram Gavini's picture

Role of the defect-core in mechanics

Through this post I wish to share some recent results that provide new insights into the role of a defect-core in mechanics. Below is the abstract of the work, and the references and links to the preprints of articles. I look forward to your comments and suggestions.


Vikram Gavini's picture

Brief overview of electronic structure calculations

I am attaching a brief overview of electronic structure theories (ab-initio theories) with emphasis on the various approximations that form a basis for these theories. It also contains references that provide a comprehensive introduction to the field.

Vikram Gavini's picture

Symposium on "Defects in materials: Theory and Applications" at 2008 ASME conference

A symposium on "Defects in materials: Theory and Applications" is being organized at the 2008 ASME conference in Boston (Oct 31-Nov6). To submitt abstracts to this symposium choose Track 12-4 (Track 12, topic 4). The abstract submission deadline is March 3, 2008. Below is the description and scope of the symposium:

Vikram Gavini's picture

Quasi-continuum orbital-free density-functional theory : A route to multi-million atom electronic structure (DFT) calculation

I would like to share the research work I have been pursuing over the past four years. I believe, through this forum, I will be able to reach researchers with various backgrounds and expertise. Suggestions and comments from members will be very useful. I am also attaching links to preprints of manuscripts describing this work. Please follow these links:

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