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Running python script through matlab

Dear Friends , 

                  I am using an optimisation algorithm in matlab.I need to start abaqus from Matlab ( Using abaqus job=jobname), later i want to run a python code to extract some history outputs and feed into matlab. The process involves many iterations . Can anybody tell me how i can run the python script from Matlab ?.

 Thanks and Best Regards  

Contact analysis in Abaqus

Dear Friends. 

                   I am trying to model a moving truck on a bridge . Initially I want to try doing a static analysis. For this , I have modeled tyres as analytically rigid cylinders and, placing them on the solid slab element . After this i have applied a velocity boundary condition to the rigid cylinder , and also a load ( Pointing in the direction of gravity) to the reference point . 

DLOAD subroutine

Dear friends .

                   This is the first time i am using abaqus for analysis. I am doing a moving load analysis of a bridge .I have planned to apply a  distributed load and vary the profile using DLOAD . Do you think its a good idea ?. Can anybody send me an example file of DLOAD.

Thanks and Regards 


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