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Xin-Lin Gao's blog

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Post-doctoral Fellow Position in Solid Mechanics

We are accepting applications for a post-doctoral fellow position available in our group at Southern Methodist University located in Dallas, Texas. The fellow will be working closely with Prof. Xin-Lin Gao on projects in the areas of solid mechanics, metamaterials, topological optimization, and additive manufacturing. The initial appointment will be for one year, and the position is available immediately. If interested, please e-mail your CV (containing a publication list and names of three or more references) to

Xin-Lin Gao's picture

Two recent papers - one related to head impact and the other on orthotropic Kirchhoff plates

These two papers have recently been published in Int. J. Mech. Sci. and Acta Mech.:

1) Analytical Models for the Impact of a Solid Sphere on a Fluid-Filled Spherical Shell Incorporating the Stress Wave Propagation Effect and their Applications to Blunt Head Impacts

2) A non-classical model for an orthotropic Kirchhoff plate embedded in a viscoelastic medium

Xin-Lin Gao's picture

Special Issue — John D. Eshelby Centennial

This special issue has recently been published in Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics in honor of Prof. John Eshelby’s 100th Birthday.

The Editorial Forward by Prof. Shaofan Li is available at:

The 13 papers included in the special issue can be viewed and downloaded at:


Xin-Lin Gao's picture

Solid Mechanics Faculty Position at Southern Methodist University

SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY, Department of Mechanical Engineering invites applications for a full‐time tenure‐track faculty position at the rank of assistant professor (Position No. 52632). We are seeking a highly qualified faculty member in the area of Solid Mechanics with particular focus on experimental and/or computational biomechanics, mechanobiology, and micro‐ and nano‐mechanics to start in August 2015. Candidates must have a Ph.D.

Xin-Lin Gao's picture

Symposium on Nanoscale, Biological, Cellular and Nonlinear Materials at the 2007 IMECE

The 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
November 11-16, 2007, Seattle, Washington, Sponsored by the Composites and Elasticity Committees, Applied Mechanics Division
Track 18-7 Nanoscale, Biological, Cellular and Nonlinear Materials

Xin-Lin Gao's picture

Symposium on "Mechanics of Nano-, Bio- and Cellular Materials" at the McMat 2007


The 2007 ASME Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference (McMat 2007)
Austin, Texas, June 3-7, 2007

Symposium on

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