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dipakjha's blog

Abaqus-user interface problem for runing subroutine


I have Abaqus 6.11 .For running the subroutine is there need of compiler for interfacing with Abaqus.Please help me.

With Regards,


Regarding plot on Abaqus


Could you tell me how can we viosualize the temperature versus time diagram for  more  than two or more temperature variation on same  axis on Abaqus?Please help me.

Thank you.



Regarding generation of .fil files


 Let me tell the steps for procedure for the generation of .fil files form INP or .odb files?Because  fesafe asks for .fil files from Abaqus 6.11 version/. Please help me.

Thank you.


Dipak kumar

Regarding generation of .FIL files for Fe-safe


I am using Abaqus6.11 version .After modelling and visualization, I want to upload files in Fesafe.Bur fesafe does not accept.Fesafe asks for .fil files onwards 6.10 version.PLease tell me how to generate the .fil files.Because Abaqus show INP,and .odb files only.PLz help me.

Thank you.


Dipak Kumar

Thermal fatigue tutorials in Abaqus


Could you send me thermal fatigue tutorials in Abaqus ?please any one have thermal fatigue tutorials,please help me.Please send me any languague of tutorials.If it is tutorials in english ,it had better for me.

Thank you.


Deepak jha





What is 15,000 four-node element in Abaqus?

Abaqus coding


How to start to written subroutine coding in Abaqus?I have Abaqus/CAE .Can we written subroutine in this Abaqus/CAE.

Thank you.

FEM simulation of Interface cracks in twolayered coatings by Abaqus/CAE


 I have Ni based metas over which i coated two layers first one is metallic powder(NiCoCrAl like) coating and second one (top layer) of ceramic materials is coated over first one.

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