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USNCCM 18 - MS# 1005: Recent Advances in Computational Methods and Theories for Multiphysics Challenges

We cordially invite you to submit your abstract to our mini-symposium (MS# 1005) for the 18th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM18), to be held in Chicago, IL, from July 20-24, 2025. Our mini-symposium, entitled “Recent Advances in Computational Methods and Theories for Multiphysics Challenges,” is described below. We would be honored if you could contribute to our mini-symposium.

jeonghoonsong's picture

Ph.D. Opening (Civil Eng./CU Boulder) in Innovative Structural Materials Design and Inverse characterization

We have an opening for Graduate Research Assistant (at Ph.D.-level) to conduct research in areas related to innovative structural materials design and inverse characterization, specifically:

- New structural materials for energy storage applications, and
- Inverse characterization of chemo-mechanical process with multi-sensing data.

jeonghoonsong's picture

Postdoc Opening at the PSAAP Multidisciplinary Simulation Center, CU Boulder

We are currently looking for a Postdoctoral Research Associate. The position can start immediately but US citizenship is preferred.

jeonghoonsong's picture

Faculty Position in Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics - the University of Colorado Boulder

The University of Colorado Boulder is seeking faculty applicants to the college of engineering. On behalf of the Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics Group in the Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Architechtural Engineering, we would like to bring to your attention that we are in particular seeking applicants who focus on Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics.

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WCCM 2018 - MS# 405 Advanced Computational Methods and Theories for Predicting Material Behaviors at Various Length Scales

Dear Colleagues:

We cordially invite you to submit your abstract to our mini-symposium (MS# 405) for he 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics to be held in New York City, USA on July 22-27, 2018.

Our mini-symposium is entitled “Advanced Computational Methods and Theories for Predicting Material Behaviors at Various Length Scales”, and a description can be found at:

jeonghoonsong's picture

Call for Abstract: USNCCM14 - MS# 701Advanced Computational Methods and Theories for Predicting Material Behaviors at Various Length Scales

Dear Colleagues:

We cordially invite you to submit your abstract to our mini-symposium (MS# 701) for the 14th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM14) to be held in Montreal, Canada on July 17-20, 2017.

Our mini-symposium is entitled “Advanced Computational Methods and Theories for Predicting Material Behaviors at Various Length Scales”, and a description can be found at:

jeonghoonsong's picture

USNCCM14: MS# 701: Advanced Computational Methods and Theories for Predicting Material Behaviors at Various Length Scales

Dear Colleagues:

We cordially invite you to submit your abstract to our mini-symposium (MS# 701) for the 14th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM14) to be held in Montreal, Canada on July 17-20, 2017.

Our mini-symposium is entitled “Advanced Computational Methods and Theories for Predicting Material Behaviors at Various Length Scales”, and a description can be found at:

jeonghoonsong's picture

Post-doc position in Model Reduction (CU Boulder)

We are no longer accepting appciations for this position.

Qulified applicants will be contacted soon.

Thank you for your interests again.

jeonghoonsong's picture

Post-doctoral position in Computational Solid/Structural Mechanics at the University of South Carolina

We are no longer accepting appciations for this position.

Qulified applicants will be contacted soon.

Thank you for your interests again. 

jeonghoonsong's picture

Ph.D. position in Computational Solid/Structural Mechanics at the University of South Carolina

We are currently looking for a graduate reserarch assistant (Ph.D. applicant) in the area of Computational Solid/Structural Mechanics. Ph.D. applicants with a M.S. degree in the area of structural engineering or solid mechanics will be preferred. Experiences of developing Fortran (or C++) code will be a strong plus.

If you are interested, please e-mail your CV to jhsong(at)cec(dot)sc(dot)edu


jeonghoonsong's picture

Post-doc position in the area of Computational Solid Mechanics

We are no longer accepting applications for this position.  Qualified applicants will be contacted in the near future.  

Thank you for your interest,

Jeong-Hoon Song 


jeonghoonsong's picture

Multiple Ph.D. positions in the area of Computational Solid Mechanics

Multiple Ph.D. positions are available in the area of Computational Solid Mechanics in the Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of South Carolina. These positions will begin in August 2011, and fully cover university tuition and stipend.


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