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Xi Chen is a new Editor of the iMechanica Journal Club

Xi Chen, of Columbia University, has graciously agreed to be a new Editor of the iMechanica Journal Club.  Xi is one of the earliest active users of iMechanica (user number 15), and has played a large role in shaping the development of iMechanica.  He has a broad vision for mechanics, and has made contributions to diverse topics.  in 2008, he received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.

The mission of the Journal Club is to facilitate discussion at the frontier of mechanics and its applications. 

To enable the discussion, each month an Editor selects a Discussion Leader, who in turn posts a Theme.  The Theme stays at the top of the front page of iMechanica for the entire month.  See past Themes, and the Operating Notes for the Journal Club.

Xi will share the responsibility of editing the Journal Club with John Dolbow.  Feel free to contact either of them if you have an idea for a theme, or if you would like to volunteer a colleague.


Pradeep Sharma's picture

Zhigang---good choice....Xi: I am glad you are on-board. I look forward to yours and John's further contributions......

Xiaodong Li's picture

Thanks Zhigang.

Xi, I am so happy to know that you have agreed to serve as the new editor for the iMechanica Journal Club. I believe that mechanics plays an important role in fuel cells, wind turbines, batteries, and hydrogen storage (just name a few). We may organize some themes on such topics (since energy is "hot"). I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming ASME meeting. Again, thanks a lot for your service.

It is great to have you on board!  Let me also use this occasion to solicit any and all suggestions for future discussion leaders.

Teng Li's picture


I share the sincere appreciation for your considerable contribution to the thriving of iMechanica and look forward to your service in the new capacity of the editor of iMech jClub!


Xi Chen's picture

Dear Colleagues,

I am thrilled and honored to serve as an editor of jClub , which is one of the most important components of iMechanica. I will follow the footsteps of Pradeep Sharma , Michelle Oyen , and John Dolbow to continue serving the mechanics community and promoting the broader impact of mechanics.

In particular, I plan to enhance the interdisciplinary nature of jClub. The past issues of jClub were predominantly in the area of solid mechanics, and perhaps soliciting topics in fluid mechanics and solid-fluid interaction will enhance jClub's strength and attract more readers. I agree with Xiaodong that the emerging broad area of mechanics for sustainability, including energy and environmental issues, should be considered as one of the focal areas of future jClub topics -- many of them involve multiscale and multiphase transport and solid-fluid interaction issues. I am discussing with John on the specific topics in this area we may consider for future issues, as well as other "hot" broad areas including micro/nanomechanics, biomechanics/mechanobiology, advanced materials, etc.

In addition to the contemporary discussion topics, it may be the time to recall one of the early plans we had for iMechanica -- interview of well-known scholars. To actively involve leading mechanicians in iMechanica, maybe some future issues of jClub could be based on interviews where leading scientists would briefly discuss the works they consider as their most important contributions, or important contributions from other scholars that have impressed them. Then the jClub editors or discussion leaders could help to expand the discussion of the classic topics and their "modern" impacts.

I feel a mixture of contemporary and classic topics may help to further enhancing and thriving jClub.

It is also the time to figure out how to more actively enroll graduate students and postdocs in the discussion of jClub and other iMechanica forums; after all, they consist of the majority of users/readers of iMechanica, and they are the future of mechanics.

John and I welcome any suggestion or comments to the future topic or the general operation/structure of jClub. Please feel free to contact us.

Look forward to work with you all,


MichelleLOyen's picture

First of all, congratulations to Xi Chen and best wishes for taking the jClub forward in the next years.  I hope the jClub can see new levels of user engagement and participation based on his his and John's vision and selection of topics.  Seeing the queries that are posted on iMech, I imagine that the mix of contemporary and classic topics will be key to increase the profile of this important part of iMechanica.  If I can be of any assistance, let me know!  The jClub is an experiment that has already been in place for a long time now, as it was one of the early regular features to be added to iMech and I believe it has great potential!

Kejie Zhao's picture

Congratulations Prof.Chen, I am particularly looking forward to future interviews of well-known scholars. It's really exciting to see how the leading mechanicians thinking about mechanics frontier in multidisciplines.

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