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Free Finite Element Programs in Fortran 95

Jinsong Huang's picture

Programs from Programming the Finite Element Method by Ian M. Smith and D. V. Griffiths are downloadable from: This title demonstrates how to develop computer programmes which solve specific engineering problems using the finite element method. It enables students, scientists and engineers to assemble their own computer programmes to produce numerical results to solve these problems. The first three editions of Programming the Finite Element Method established themselves as an authority in this area. This fully revised 4th edition includes completely rewritten programmes with a unique description and list of parallel versions of programmes in Fortran 90. The Fortran programmes and subroutines described in the text will be made available on the Internet via anonymous ftp, further adding to the value of this title. From the Back Cover Following the highly successful previous editions, this 4th edition contains programs and subroutine libraries fully updated to Fortran95, which are freely available on the Internet. A wide variety of problem solving capabilities are presented including structural analysis, elasticity and plasticity, construction processes in geomechanics, uncoupled and coupled steady and transient fluid flow and linear and nonlinear solid dynamics. A major new feature is the inclusion of parallelised programs, using MPI, which enable parallel processing of all types of finite element analyses. Performance evaluation shows that these programs make efficient use of parallel hardwares ranging from supercomputers to clusters of PCs. Key features include: A clear outline of modular programming philosophy. More than 60 programs covering a wide range of problems in engineering and science. Results display using PostScript files. Exercises for students to solve. A simple but powerful parallelisation strategy. These improvements all contribute to a more comprehensive book with a wide appeal. It will be of particular interest to students and practitioners in the application of finite element methods; to undergraduates and postgraduates in civil, mechanical and aeronautical engineering (stress analysis and fluid flow problems); to applied mathematicians and physicists (solution of partial differential equations); and to engineers in all of the above fields.


Jinsong Huang's picture

Any comments are welcome. We can answer your questions here.'s picture

Just a note about the Fortran source files


I tried compiling the 4th edition source files with gfortran version 5.1.0 and got a SIGSEGV error.


I then compiled them with gfortran version 4.8.1 and there was no problem.
Dept. of Engineering Mechanics
Hohai Univ.


 Shengxu Xia


Thanks for inroducing suck a great book.

 I was wondering how I can get the 3rd or 4th edition of this book in PDF or other formats.



I'm trying to remove some rows and columns which have zero elements. Actually, i'm employing the boundary conditions to a matrix.

I wrote the following code and it works well. but, ineed to make it as a subroutine. To this end, i change a bit the following code. but, it doesn't work. I'm not sure it is possible to make a subroutine. Whould you mind helping me. I already appreciate.

program main
real ,allocatable :: matrix(:,:)
real, allocatable :: NNN(:,:),NNN_abated(:,:),NNN_final(:,:)  ! the array
integer i,j,count1,count2,nzero

allocate (NNN(3,5))

count1=0        ! count1 is corresponding to the number of non-zero rows of any matrix
do i=1,3        ! i is for reckoning the rows, 3 is the maximum value of the rows
       nzero=0  ! number of zeros in a row or column
    do j=1,5    ! j is for reckoning the columns, 5 is the maximum value of the columns
       if (matrix(i,j)==(0))then  ! calculation of the number of zeros in a row of the matrix
    if ((nzero).ne.(5)) then  !investigating whether all of the elements of the row is zero or not
    count1=count1+1           !number of non-zero rows
    NNN(count1,:)=matrix(i,:) !transmission of the non-zero rows to the top rows
allocate (NNN_abated(count1,5)) ! removing the zero rows by employing another matrix
count2=0   ! count2 is corresponding to the number of non-zero columns of any matrix
do j=1,5
    do i=1,3
       if (NNN(i,j)==(0,0))then
    if ((nzero).ne.(3)) then
    count2=count2+1          !number of non-zero columns
    NNN_abated(:,count2)=NNN(:,j)  !transmission of the non-zero columns to the left columns

allocate (NNN_final(count1,count2)) ! in this matrix all the zero rows and columns are eliminated
do i=1,count1
   do j=1,count2

Jinsong Huang's picture

It will be easier to track your problem if you can post your subroutine.


I cannot understand the how the bandwidth can be obtained by the following code:




 DO i=1,idof


   IF(g(i)/=0)THEN !non-zero freedom

     DO j=1,idof




       END IF

     END DO !after this loop, iwp1 gets its largest value for g(i)



!kdiag=0 by default





Thank you! 



This is the free form version of Fortran, no statement numbers,  no C in column 1, start in column 1 (not column 7),  typically indent 2, 3, or 4 spaces per each structure. WordPress development company in India

Just a note to advise that this book was updated to the 5th Edition a few years ago and has also been translated to simple Chinese.,+5th+Edition-p-9781119973348

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