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Professor Donald E. Carlson

Amit Acharya's picture

It is with great sadness that I report the passing away of Prof. Don Carlson. The link below describes his life and work.


Amit Acharya's picture

Don was my advisor, greatest teacher, and dear friend. He
was, and remains, the origin of my intellectual universe - he had a huge
influence on me in shaping the person and researcher I am today. All I have done
can be traced back to the superb training I received from Don.

I was scheduled to meet him in a couple of weeks but,
alas, time ran out suddenly.

Don was a true scholar and a gentleman, with a great
sense of humor to boot. His kindness knew no bounds. It was an honor to have
known him.

 I miss him a lot. May he rest in peace.

Zhigang Suo's picture

I am deeply saddened by the news.  Don spent some time with me when I just finished my PhD, over 20 years ago.  We met a few times later.  His enthusiasm for continuum mechanics was inspiring.

beliau harus cuci darah sepanjang satu tahun, apabila tidak melakukan cuci darah seluruh badan terasa tak berdaya hngga akhirnya ada obat gagal ginjal kronis. Apabila anda tidak mau menggunakan penyembuhan penyakit batu ginjal dengan jalan pembedahan dapat menggunakan obat herbal penyakit batu ginjal. Disetiap tahun muncul angka 500 ribu persoalan baru & lebih dari seratus empat puluh ribu lainnya meninggal dunia. 100 tahun silam penderita tbc obat tbc paru


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