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What are all the physical significance/meaning that can be obtained from a STIFFNESS MATRIX ?

Hi everybody,

 Can any one explain what is the physical meaning that a stiffness matrix illustrate ? I am a learner at a starting level in this Finite Element Analysis field . There are some questions which I wish to get an idea upon ...

 1. What exactly Stiffness Matrix tells about the structure ? Can you please explain with an example like "Linear Timoshenko Beam or Bernoulli beam or like 4-node plane stress element"....

 2. What is the relation between the eigen values of a stiffness matrix and the corresponding rigid body modes ? 


Thank you in advance. As I said, am new and would like people to throw some light on the understanding of the physical significance of a stiffness matrix and its values ...,




Lihua Jin's picture

The physical meaning of the component of a stiffness matrix c(i,j) is the force adding on node i, if a unit displacement is added on node j.

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