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Model and mesh-burden reduction for multiscale fracture: applications to polycrystals, delamination and surgical simulation


hamnsan's picture

Dear Prof. Bordas,

Thanks for the very nice presentation of your model. I have a question regarding the application of boundary conditions and the development of cross contraction in your uni-axial model(slide 25). Can you please tell if the rotations and translational boundary conditions are constrained on your uni-axial simulation model or the effect of cross-contraction was not significant?

Did you already publish the work in any journal so that I can read it in detail?

with best regards,

Hamad ul Hassan

Thank you for your questions. We did not constrain the cross contraction in the uni-axial model. The paper will be out soon, and we will be then able to share it with you. Thank you very much for your interest. Please consider registering for the Google Discussion Forum

Stéphane P.A. Bordas, Professor
Director, Institute of Mechanics & Advanced Materials (IMAM)
ERC Starting Grant Research Group Leader (RealTCut)
School of Engineering
Cardiff University, Queen's Buildings
The Parade, CARDIFF CF24 3A

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