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Crystal Plasticity

Dear Mechanicians,

 Recently I have seen many researches on the crystal plasticity, Could someone tell me some basic difference between classic plasticity and crystal plasticity ?! and what is the crystal plasticity theory for ? 


Thank you very much

Best Regards



Hi Hamanh:


Crystal plasticity theories act as complementary to the branch of classical plasticity theories, but the theories are formulated at a smaller length scale, usually microscopic. Continuum deformation is explained in terms of 'more' fundamental dislocation dynamics and their distributions. In crystal plasticity, dislocations (line defects) serve as the carriers of plastic strain, this is just the starting point of the theory.  There are many complicated issues involved, as crystal plasticity is a bottom up approach. That means, you describe the theories at microscopic scale, move to macroscopic scale  through an intermediate meso-scopic scale. More rigorous approach would be to start from a nanoscopic level (like, nucleation of dislocations, influence of hydrostatic stresses on dislocation core structure), but the problem only compounds to a larger one as you move up the length scale.


But majority of the crystal plasticity research involves in finding a proper approximation procedure to link microscopic state variables to their macroscopic counterparts. A few high-points of crystal plasticity theory are worth mentioning:


(i) Initial texture of the material. Texture is the preferential distribution of grain orienatations in polycrystalline materials. Mathematically, these are presented as Orientation Distribution Functions (ODF), Gauss-like distribution function in Orientation space. 


(ii) Approximation procedure: strain (compatibility) or stress (equilibrium). like in Taylor-Bishop-Hill procedure the local strain tensor is assumed to be same as macroscopic strain tensor. But this has a problem in selecting a set of slip systems, uniquely.


(iii) A procedure to select a set of crystallographic slip systems, like Asaro-Needleman's rate sensitive models.


 (iv) Constitutive Strain Hardening (Kocks' hardening theories or Voce type hardening theories are approximated). As more plastic shearing occurs on slip planes the crystal gets harder. Again there are a few theories to describe the stages of hardening (Stages - I, II, III, IV). Usually Stage-I can be ignored in a polycrystalline framework. Recovery, Cross-slip of dislocations are also considered.


(v) Dislocation patterning, phenomenological approach, Self-organized dislocation structures.


(vi) Deformation texture update & (vii) stress update


In a gross sense, crystal plasticity theories consider the rigors of the fundamental physics of inelastic deformation than classical plasticity. It only adds excitement to plasticity never subtracts :)


I tried to put a rough sketch of a very complicated field, as my ideas are sketchy too Wink


alankar's picture

Hi Atish,

I wrote a UMAT for a dislocation density based CPFEM. My model shows no contours of dislocation density at very high strains. What could be the possible reasons for this?


Ph.D. Candidate
School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Washington State University, Pullman

Dear Alankar

I wonder if your UMAT is convergent for static or quasi-static loading condition. I developed both the UMAT and VUMAT for (rate independent/dependent) crystal plasticity model. And these models work well for static or dynamic problems. At least, in my experience, since the activated slip systems are varied at each increment, the maximum time increment should be decreased for the completion of the solution even though the fully implicit time-integration algorithm is employed. I think that the evolution equation for the dislocation (densities) is a function of current dislocation (density) and/or slip shear strains. If it does so, can you observe the contours of slip shear strains?

Also, some tips to check the code are:

1) For single crystals, try it with easily deformed orientation such as [001]. For single oriented crystals which locate in the standard stereographic trainagle (e.g., [123]), the convergence rate is very slow or it blows up.

2) It may be also helpful to (a) decrease the initial time increment, (b) decrease the magnitude of the loads


Sang Ha


alankar's picture

Hi Atish,

Do you know any good reference/idea about how to update texture in UMAT using crystal plasticity theory.


Alankar Ph.D. Student School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Washington State University, Pullman

Hi Atish,


Thank you very much for you explanation on crystal plasticity, but I still many questions !!


Hey Alankar,


Did you find any documentation about modifying the umat code for crystal plasticity? I am having some troubles myself too making it work for a polycrystal.



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