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Help in abaqus modelling

Venkat Bharath's picture

Hi all,

 I am currently working on my Masters thesis which is the analysis of sandwich structures subjected to blast loading using Abaqus. Can someone suggest some references which would  explain me how to apply blast loading using abaqus. 

There is an example problem of submarine in the abaqus user's manual which includes the blast loading. But they've only given the inp file for that. 


So can someone also tell me how to generate .cae file from .inp file in abaqus.


Best Regards,

Venkat Bharath
5th year Student,(Structural Engg)
Dept. of Civil Engg
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


regiskubler's picture


If you'd like to see how the blast option is used in CAE, just run the Python script that is in the manual.


Getting Started with Abaqus: Interactive Edition


 Example 9 Blast loading of a stiffened plate.

1/ Save the Python script in a file

2/ Abaqus CAE/ Run Script  Select the Python file

3/ you ll get the CAE file and all the modules that are already filled in to model the blast of a stiffened plate.


Look at Step and Loads to see how a blast is defined.

In fact, blast is just a short amplitude.




m_meisam's picture

Dear Friend

You Can open INP files in Abaqus/CAE using import from file menu.

I 've done my master's thesis on structures under blast loading, If you still can't model the blast load I can give you some guideline.



hamid-moaieri's picture

what size of vent hole need relation to tnt weigth and space volume for survive condition?

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