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How to know the element number within an hetval subroutine

Hi everybody

I'm a new user of abaqus and I'm trying to describe the heat generation in a changing phase thermoset polymer using abaqus user subroutine HETVAL. I need for my computations the current element number (in such a way that I can find the adjacent elements in the connectivity matrix).

Does anyone have any suggestion?

Thank you


You may use utility routine GETNODETOELEMCONN



Thanks for your answer.

Unfortunately I'm not able to use this utility routine in HETVAL since it requires NODE, NELEMS, JELEMLIST, JELEMTYPE, JRCD, JGVBLOCK and in HETVAL these variables are not available.



Ok. Then you may try using another subroutine (like SDVINI) which shall give you the element number NOEL. You can pass this number to a State Variable STATEV and then retrieve it in the HETVAL subroutine. 

Thanks again for this solution.

I've read on the manual and I think that it can work with my problem. I've reed that I should call the subroutine by means of *INITIAL CONDITIONS, TYPE=SOLUTION statment, but I didn't find the proper position in the .inp file in which I've to put this statement and I don't even know how to set in the .cae file the initial conditions. Can you help me with this issue also?

Thank you!

best regards

Write it anywhere before the Step, where you have your other boundary conditions for the Initial Step.

Some keywords (like these) can not be seen in the CAE (ABAQUS limitation). But once you import this updated input file into the CAE, it becomes part of the model.

Or else, you may go on the top menu, Edit Keywords, and type in these lines at the appropriate location.




Thanks again for this solution.

I've read on the manual and I think that it can work with my problem. I've reed that I should call the subroutine by means of *INITIAL CONDITIONS, TYPE=SOLUTION statment, but I didn't find the proper position in the .inp file in which I've to put this statement and I don't even know how to set in the .cae file the initial conditions. Can you help me with this issue also?

Thank you!

best regards

tarkes's picture


There are two ways

1. Paste this line in predefined fields of inp file

2. In GUI->Model-1->right click->Edit keywords-> Paste in predefined fields->press ok. This will automatically place the line in inp file generated.



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