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matlab code to create cohesive elements (or UMAT) in any 2D mesh

To use cohesive elements, normally user can add a layer of elements between neighbouring node pairs. This matlab code can help you to process that especially your FE mesh is irregular. The code, the initial .inp file and corresponding out put files are attached for a better illustration. The new generated cohesive elements won't cause any trouble in the element number. Also you can apply this code to generate new UMAT elements in mesh.


PDF icon matlab file45.04 KB
PDF icon inp file32.04 KB
PDF icon cdm_interface.pdf16.62 KB
PDF icon cdm_restoration.pdf41.87 KB
PDF icon output file348.5 KB
PDF icon output file142.64 KB
PDF icon output file929.67 KB
PDF icon output file14.2 KB


techique's picture

I find this code and want to use it ,thanks your code.

I find an error during running the code, and I dont konw how to solve it. I want to know if you have the same problem? Thank you very much. 

Hi, llls. I find an error during running the code, and I dont konw how to solve it. I want to know if you have the same problem? Thank you very much. 

The results were from the code, so it has been verified. what's your problem exactly?

I downloaded the matlab file, but it is in the format of pdf, and when I copy it to the matlab and run it, it always show that:

 Error in fgetl (line 33)

[tline,lt] = fgets(fid);

Error in matlabfile (line 13)


so, could you please send me the .m file of matlab? Thank you very much.  My email:


Probably you have to read the .m file more to solve the problem. The error was caused by the file handles you assigned to "fid" and "finp." Check my code carefully if you are going to read the correct .inp file. You might need to change this line, which assigns the file name in the code.



It's a useful code, thank you very much

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Would you please provide the .m file of matlab? I am just a beginner of matlab code. Thank you so much!

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