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Inaugural EML Webinar by Prof. John Hutchinson at Harvard on April 15, 2020

Teng Li's picture

Extreme Mechanics Letters (EML)  announces EML Webinar, freely open to anyone interested in mechanics around the world.


The inaugural EML Webinar will be given by Prof. John W. Hutchinson at Harvard University via Zoom meeting.

Title: New Developments in Shell Stability

Time/Date: 10 AM US Eastern Time on April 15, 2020

Watach this EML Webinar on YouTube and Weibo.

Extreme Mechanics Letters seeks to publish research of immediacy, depth, and originality. Through lectures and discussions, EML Webinars shed light on the forefront of research, as well as the formative years of researchers. 

See the full list of EML Webinar speakers and vidoes


Xin Ning's picture

This is a very exciting seminar! Shell buckling with exterme imperfection sensitivity is truely a facinating mechanics problem that is reviving to a new life. Very much look forward to this talk! 

harshaastronaut's picture


Is the video recording of this Zoom meeting available for download? The internet connection on my end wasn't great during the Zoom call. I would like to watch it again.

Thank you!


Zhigang Suo's picture

is posted above.  Thank for for tuning in.

Ruobing Bai's picture

Dear John, Zhigang, Teng, and others,

I would like to thank you all for bringing us together across the world during this trying times. It was an amazing talk and I can always learn something new from John. Checking back the video, I found there were some really in-depth and long discussions even afterwards. Video recording is a great idea!




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