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iMechanica Video: Richard Feynman Messenger Lectures

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In these Messenger Lectures on "The Character of Physical Law," originally delivered at Cornell University and recorded by BBC Nov. 9-19, 1964, physicist Richard Feynman offers an overview of selected physical laws and gathers their common features into one broad principle of invariance. From 1945 to 1950, Feynman taught theoretical physics at Cornell. He went on to accept a professorship at Caltech and was named co-winner of the 1965 Nobel Prize in physics.

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Teng Li's picture

I wonder if anyone can offer tips of any hidden gems of videos of mechanics and mechanicians, just like the famous Feynman lecture series.

Video archives such as the Feynman lectures recorded more than half of century ago have inspired generations and carry long-lasting values. Another example is the National Committee for Fluid Mechanics Films series recorded in ~1969 (25 videos, ~30 min each) to explain fluid mechanics in an accessible way for undergraduate engineering and physics students. 

Video recording in the smartphone era is easy and low-cost. Zoom makes recording a webinar as simple as one-click. Let's help each other finding the hidden gems of videos of mechanics and mechanicians, old or new.

arash_yavari's picture

Feynman wrote a beautiful book based on these lectures. I highly recommend it. Regards,Arash

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