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Fracture Mechanics Book - Update

Over the past two years I've written up (or LaTex'd) a set of lecture notes on fracture mechanics. If you are interested you will find them at in hyperlinked .pdf format. I've condensed a lot of material into these notes including LEFM, elastic-plastic fracture, experimental methods and some basics on computational fracture, so nothing is given in great detail. Of course a lot more could be done, but this served well for a one semester graduate class. The first reference in my notes is to Hutchinson's Course on Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics, the only useful text that we had to hang onto at Caltech when taking Rosakis's fracture course in the mid-80's.

March 27, 2012 UPDATE:  I have recently published this with Springer and thus have taken down the  notes from the link above, but most university libraries will have a subscription which will allow you to view the text on-line or to order a softbound copy through the Springer MyCopy service for $25.   I hope that this book will be of use to you.  The Springer version fixes a lot of typos and other errors as well as containing some new material.  You can find the book on Springer here or through your university library.    


It is very useful. --

N. Sukumar's picture


Thanks for the post and link. I just viewed the book online (shall print it out) and found the topics that are presented to be very well-chosen and pertinent.  I do not know any text (off-hand) that integrates theory, experiments, and computational methods for fracture all in one place, and you have managed to strike a balance to achieve this end.  I am most familiar with the computational approaches you've touched-upon and they immediately resonated. Also included is a comprehensive (within the space constraints) treatment of elastic-plastic fracture, a topic that is difficult to digest (imo) by reading just the scientific literature.  This transition would be eased if one consults the book first. The book is a great resource for one who is interested in fracture mechanics, and it can be adopted as a textbook for a two-quarter course offering in fracture mechanics.

Hüsnü Dal's picture

I have recently started going over the book and found it very useful. Especially for the researchers not familiar with the notion of Fracture Mechanics before, the book presents the subjects in a self consistent way. The formulations are presented with proofs from basic to academic level.

Thank you Alan for sharing it with us.

yoursdhruly's picture

Prof. Zehnder,
This looks like a very valuable set of notes. Thank you very much for sharing this with us.

damoonmoetamedi's picture

Dear Mr.Zehnder,

I start studying about crack tip with complex varaible and boundry value.

I studied Mr.Suo note about advanced elasticity.Please let me know about any notes or refrences.




Dear Alls;

Would you please explain for me why Dynamic J-integral increases when crack propagates, and why Dynamic J-integral are independent with difference paths.

Best Regards;


MR. Zehnder, thank you.

It's very useful for I


Thank you

Its very useful...

Muni's picture

Ashwath NR
Solid Mechanics Division
Department of Applied Mechanics
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,

thank you very much.

Thank you good work.techno



can any one tell me what is the difference between K factor and J integral. how can i simulate a crack in FEM software ansys. what are the important considerations while simulating.

Heqin Xu's picture

On page 185,


where a in the above is replaced by

aeff = a + φry


φ = 1/(1+(p/p0)2)

Is it correct to have φ = 1/(1+(M/M0)2) if bending moment is considered?  I have searched Kumar's EPRI reports and could not get any clue.

Many thanks if anybody can help.

Heqin Xu, Ph.D.

Senior Mechanical Engineer


Lynchburg,VA 24501

Weixing Zhou's picture

Can you recommend some good books on computational fracture mechanics?  I'm not looking at advanced numerical method such as EFEM but comprehensive discussion on domain integral with finite element method etc.  Thanks!


thank you very much for this book

Thank you for E-book

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