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International Symposium on Materials for Wind Energy Applications

Leon Mishnaevsky's picture

September 17-19, 2012, Beijing, P.R. China

Overview and Objectives
The Symposium will bring together specialists in the area of composites and materials for wind energy application from different countries, to discuss the development of the wind turbine materials, their modelling, service properties, case studies and promising directions of future development. The Symposium is organized in the framework of Sino-Danish collaborative project "High reliability of large wind turbines via computational based enhancement of materials" supported by Danish Council for Strategic Research and the Program of International S & T Cooperation "Experimental and computational studies on mechanics of advanced materials for large-scale wind turbine blades" supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, China

Symposium Topics The Symposium will cover the following main themes:

  • Materials for wind blades: composites, sandwich structures, processing, testing and modelling and service properties of wind blade materials,
  • Reliability and strength of wind turbine blade materials, degradation processes, fracture and fatigue and computational modelling.
  • Large and extra-large wind blades: specific requirements and development of materials for large wind turbines,
  • Materials for small wind turbines and small scale wind energy in developing and developed countries,
  • Future directions in the development of materials for wind turbines

General Information
Dr. habil. Leon Mishnaevsky Jr.,
Senior Scientist, Symposium Chairman
Risø Campus, Technical University of Denmark,
DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark

Professor Zhou Hongwei,
Symposium Chairman,
School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering,
China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing),
Beijing 100083, P. R. China

The Symposium will take place in the Beijing, China. Please note that September is high season for tourism in China. The prices for flight ticket will increase very quickly at the beginning of summer. Early reservations of both the hotel and flight tickets are strongly recommended!

Abstract Submission
Please submit an abstract (200-300 words, in MS Word format) by e-mail to no later than February 1, 2012. Authors will be notified of the Organizing Committee's decisions shortly thereafter.


LG's picture

I personally hold that the topics are interesting and very hot now, however, some enquiries should address:

1. why we need the composites for the wind turbine?  In order to improve the reliability of the turbine or the blade? we aim to improve the geometry of turbine or the material quality of each blade?

2. For the wind energy application, the turbine are rotated by the natural airflow at comparatively low velocity. If the composited blade can improve the efficiency of the airflow for fast rotation? We aim to reduce the weight or improve the micro-surface of the blades?

3. To my knowledge, there are only one turbine for each wind engine, if it is possible to install parallel multiple turbines (for instance, two turbines) in each engine though the rotative speed and the orientation may be different ?

4. What are the materials be used in the turbine for wind energy applications now?


Regards, LG

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