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Use Vumat to simulate the hot ductile fracture criterion of Freudenthal

Dear everybody,
I have just studied Abaqus and would like to use Vumat to simulate the hot ductile

fracture criterion of Freudenthal which have the equation: D=integral(0-fracture strain)

of (Smises stress)*d(strain). The fracture will be appear when I reach 1 unit.
Could you please show me how to write algorithm adding temperature to calculate (D) and

out put (D) in Vumat.

thanks you so much

I am looking forward to hearing from you




Is it possible to get a copy of your UMAT/VUMAT subroutine for the hot ductile fracture criterion of Freudenthal in ABAQUS?  It would be very helpful to my research.

Thank you,


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