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Post Doc at Sandia National Labs on fatigue and wear behavior of nanocrystalline alloys

I would like to call your attention to a new postdoctoral opening in the Materials Science and Engineering Center at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM. The position, which is part of a new $1.5M/3yr program, will focus on understanding anomalous fatigue and wear properties of nanocrystalline alloys. The collaborative research will include aspects of nanocrystalline alloy synthesis, evaluation of thermomechanical stability & mechanical/tribological performance, application of advanced characterization techniques to assess nanostructure & failure mechanisms, and materials modeling. The annual salary for this appointment is expected to be above $70K plus benefits....

Because Sandia is a national security laboratory, the applicant will be expected to qualify for a DOE security clearance, which requires U.S. citizenship and involves a background check and drug screen.

Potentially interested candidates should contact Dr. Brad Boyce ( or (505)845-7525) for more complete details of the research program, or go to Sandia's website for a job description and to apply:

Job ID 58226

Job posting date: 6/13/07

Title: Nanometallurgy Postdoctoral Appointment

Ladder: Temporary employees

Job Category: Postdoc/fellowship

City/State: Albuquerque, New Mexico

Please forward this on to relevant faculty and graduate students.

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