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2nd Call for Abstracts: USNCCM13 Minisymposium 414 on Recent Advances in Mesh Adaptivity for Inelasticity, Damage, Crack Propagation and Failure.

Alejandro Mota's picture

In this minisymposium we seek to highlight challenging problems in computational solid mechanics that require mesh adaptation methods for their solution. We focus on the finite element method and works that address large deformations and the accompanying inelasticity, damage, crack propagation and failure. Discussion will center on Lagrangian descriptions and determining the necessary computational components to resolve, preserve, and evolve the fields that govern these processes. Prototypical material systems may include, but are not limited to, ductile metals and biomaterials. Potential applications include efforts to simulate the processing and/or performance of materials, components, or structures.

Topics of interest:

- Error estimation

- Global and local remeshing

- Adaptive insertion and local topological changes

- Field recovery

- Mapping of internal variables

- Tetrahedral, hexahedral and other 3D element technology

Submit abstracts to minisymposium 414 here:


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