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The Society of Engineering Science Establishes the James R. Rice Medal

On behalf of the 2015 Board of Directors of the Society of Engineering Science (SES), I am pleased to announce the establishment of a new SES award: The James R. Rice Medal. The creation of the new award is motivated by the recognition that while several societies, including the SES, have young-investigator awards as well as others that primarily (although not exclusively) target senior scientists, there are relatively few that are suitable for those who are in the typical mid-career age of 40-55. The award, named after Professor James R. Rice from Harvard University, celebrates his pioneering contributions to the field of engineering sciences and the fact that he serves as a source of inspiration to scientists across multiple disciplines.

Here is the formal description:

James R. Rice Medal: The prize is in the form of a medal, the Society of Engineering Science James R. Rice Medal, and an award of $1500. The prize is awarded to a mid-career researcher in the field of engineering sciences who has had a substantial impact in his/her field. At the time of the nomination, eligible candidates must be within 10-25 years of earning their PhD or equivalent degree.  Exceptions may be made, at the discretion of the SES board of directors and on a case-by-case basis, for researchers who have made notable contributions despite encountering a significant career disruption.


Pradeep Sharma

2015 President, Society of Engineering Science

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