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Available PhD position at the Division of Mechanics at Lund University

Pär Olsson's picture

The Division of Mechanics at Lund University, Sweden, invites applicants for a PhD position oriented towards multiscale modelling of grain boundaries in metals. The research program focuses on improving the understanding and modelling capabilities of impurity induced grain boundary embrittlement, with special emphasis fusion reactor materials, i.e. primarily tungsten. The ultimate goal of this research is to develop an atomistically-informed continuum-based theoretical and computational framework to predict the failure of impurity inhabited grain boundaries.

The project deals primarily with modelling, although collaborations for experimental validation exist and can be implemented at the final stages project. The specific modelling tools that will be utilized correspond primarily to classical atomistic modelling and finite element modelling (FEM).

The successful candidate has a university degree on advanced level within a related field, such as a Master's degree in engineering physics, mechanical engineering, engineering mathematics or equivalent, good oral and written proficiency in English and knowledge or experience of programming, for instance Matlab, C and/or Fortran. Experience from working with classical molecular dynamics and/or finite element modelling is considered beneficial.

A more detailed job description and procedures for application can be found here.

For further information, please contact:

Pär Olsson



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