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All Have Problems but Nobody Having Solution ?

mechevikas's picture

here in this web/./.all people have problems in large no. but bunch of peoples for solving there problem,,,why this is so???


yawlou's picture

If I understand your statement correctly, what you have said is a common issue on this site.  There are lots of problems presented, but people do not always respond with solutions or guidance.

The reason people do not respond is probably for one of the following reasons:

1.  People do not have time to respond to all problems.  (this is ok, everyone should of course have the choice to not respond)

2.  People asking the questions very often ask very poorly posed questions which are sometimes incomprehensible.  (this is not ok)

It's ok to ask questions on this site, but my advice to everyone is that if you want answers be very precise and careful in the way that you pose the problems/questions.  It is a common problem here that the person asking the questions does not clearly ask a question so that others can understand what they are wanting.

Ask specific questions.  Also, do some homework before you ask your questions, rather than asking questions like 

"How do I find stress?"

There are many answers to the above question, the person reading it doesn't know in what context the question is asked.  This happens on this site all the time.  Try not to ask generic questions for which it's difficult to know how to respond.

Don't get me wrong, this is a great site, everyone should be free to ask questions as they choose.  People should not be afraid to ask questions.  However, if you want answers, I'm suggesting that you be very careful about how you pose your questions/problems and then you will be more likely to get a response.



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