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Euler Equations

Amit Acharya's picture

Fluids, Elasticity, Geometry, and the Existence of Wrinkled Solutions

Amit Acharya, Gui-Qiang Chen, Siran Li, Marshall Slemrod, and Dehua Wang

(To appear in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis)

We are concerned with underlying connections between fluids,
elasticity, isometric embedding of Riemannian manifolds, and the existence of
wrinkled solutions of the associated nonlinear partial differential equations. In
this paper, we develop such connections for the case of two spatial dimensions,
and demonstrate that the continuum mechanical equations can be mapped into
a corresponding geometric framework and the inherent direct application of
the theory of isometric embeddings and the Gauss-Codazzi equations through
examples for the Euler equations for fluids and the Euler-Lagrange equations
for elastic solids. These results show that the geometric theory provides an
avenue for addressing the admissibility criteria for nonlinear conservation laws
in continuum mechanics.




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