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computational mechanics

Andrew Bunger's picture

Postdoctoral Fellowship studying mechanics of hydraulic fracturing for stimulation of hot fractured rock geothermal reservoirs

CSIRO Petroleum in Melbourne, Australia, welcomes applications to a Postdoctoral Fellowship
in hydraulic fracture stimulation mechanics. The successful candidate
will have a background in applied mechanics and numerical methods with
an interest in verifying numerical calculations by experiment.  The
research results will be applied to stimulation of hot fractured rock
geothermal reservoirs.

Max penetration error in ABAQUS

I am doing contact simulation of soft material. I want to change the default criterion for max penetration error, but can't seem to find how to do it. I tried contact controls relative and absolute penetration tolerances, hcrit but that did not affect the error criterion. Can someone help me please?

Computational Mechanics PhD opportunities for Top Class Chinese Students

Dear Chinese students interested in a PhD in computational mechanics, 

You will find below some information on a fellowship you can apply for.

China Scholarships Council

Scholarships for Computational Mechanics in the UK for non-EU students

Dear non-EU students who want to study in the UK,

You are encouraged to look at the fellowship offers below. If you qualify for these and are interested in working in a dynamic group in computational mechanics in Glasgow, please contact me directly stephane dot bordas at gmail dot com

 Our department has a growing team of PhD students (more than 20 at the moment) working in cognate disciplines, which will give you a unique opportunity for a strong PhD in computational mechanics. 

MSc+PhD position Fully Funded -- Massively parallel biomechanics simulation of brain surgery on HECToR

High Performance Computing MSc+Ph.D. position available at the
University of Glasgow on Massively Parallel Brain Surgery Simulation
with the extended finite element method (XFEM and FleXFEM)  (University
of Glasgow) -- funding body is EPSRC.

One year MSc in HPC in Edinburgh (all costs covered by funding) + 3 year Ph.D.  and access to HecToR,
one of the world's largest super-computer, including training with
experts in massively parallel simulation (10,000+ processors).

Fehmi Cirak's picture

Postdoctoral position at University of Cambridge

A postdoctoral research associate position is available starting October 1st at the Department of Engineering in Cambridge. The successful candidate will work on a project on parallel numerical methods for fluid-structure interaction with application to life sciences.

3rd Int. Conference on Integrity, Reliability and Failure, Porto, Portugal

Dear Colleague:

We are pleased to bring to your attention the First Announcement & Call for Abstracts for the

3rd International Conference on Integrity, Reliability & Failure

to be held in Porto, Portugal

July 20- 24, 2009.

The meeting covers all aspects applied mechanics (nano-meso-micro and
continuum), advanced mechanics of composites, fracture and failure analysis,
computational mechanics and experimental mechanics to enhance
engineering design.

Time dependent vs Independent

In Computational mechanics, for rate(time) dependent calculations (eg. Creep, plasticity), when we say time step dt, does it mean physical time.

Can I think this way:

I start at time 0 and calculate stress, strain etc  after 1 sec, 2 sec, 3 sec..

Also, what exactly is strain rate? why do some books say ..'when a strain rate is applied'''..I'm confused..dont we just apply displacement or force all the time.

A Ph.D.+MSc Position on Brain Surgery Simulation by XFEM and FleXFEM

High Performance Computing MSc+Ph.D. position available at the University of Glasgow on Massively Parallel Brain Surgery Simulation with the extended finite element method (XFEM and FleXFEM)  (University of Glasgow) -- funding body is EPSRC.

One year MSc in HPC in Edinburgh (all costs covered by funding) + 3 year Ph.D.  and access to HecToR, one of the world's largest super-computer, including training with experts in massively parallel simulation (10,000+ processors).

karelmatous's picture

Post-doctoral research associate position

The Computational Science and Engineering Program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is seeking highly qualified candidates for one post-doctoral research associate position in the Center for Simulation of Advanced Rockets.

Ph.D. Research Assistantship in Multi-Scale/Multi-Physics Material Modeling at the University of Colorado, Boulder

A graduate student researcher is sought to work on a theoretical and computational aspect of multiscale/ multi-physics material modeling (with an emphasis on biological materials and structures). The project’s envisioned outcome is to a better understanding of the relationship between the small scale physics and structures and the overall macroscopic properties of a material. This research has application in the design of new, smart material, or in the development of treatment for injuries and disease of biological tissues.

Post-doc position on Multiscale Simulations of Cell Contact and Adhesion

A post-doc position on multiscale simulation of cell contact and adhesion shall be available this coming Fall at UC Berkeley. We are seeking for a person who has experience and background on finite element computations, especially in cell contact/adhesion modeling and simulation or finite deformation simulations.

Anyone who is interested in the position please send an email, resume, and reference to

PhD projects in computational fracture and computational/theoretical fluids at University of Melbourne

The Australian Mineral Science Research Institute (AMSRI) is a consortium of Australia's best scientists working in minerals industry-related fields. Research activities span the breadth of minerals processing, with major themes of the research being energy efficiency, frugal water use and efficient management of waste. The Mathematics program of AMSRI performs modelling and analysis research across multiple minerals processing areas, including comminution, flotation and waste treatment.

Joseph P. Cusumano's picture

Postdoctoral Position at Penn State University in Multiscale Computational Dynamics

We have an immediate opening in the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics for a postdoctoral research associate in multiscale modeling and computational mechanics. The focus of this position is on the modeling, simulation, and analysis of the nonlinear evolution of coupled macro/microstructure in failure processes, with an emphasis toward structural health monitoring. Coupled-field models using continuum damage variables will be used to study the fundamental spatiotemporal features of damage evolution, particularly regarding the nature and origin of unpredictability in damage processes. The candidate must have a solid general background in theoretical mechanics and dynamics, and be familiar with nonlinear finite element analysis

The factory idiom and material models

I'm leaving the US in a couple of days and will probably take a hiatus of a few months from iMechanica.  Before I leave, I want to tell you about a C++ idiom that eases the implementation and use of multiple material models in a computational mechanics code.

Ashkan Vaziri's picture

Cell and Biomolecular Mechanics in silico, Nature Materials, Volume 7, 2008.

Recent developments in computational cell and biomolecular mechanics have provided valuable insights into the mechanical properties of cells, subcellular components and biomolecules, while simultaneously complementing new experimental techniques used for deciphering the structure–function paradigm in living cells. These computational approaches have direct implications in understanding the state of human health and the progress of disease and can therefore aid immensely in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Xi Chen's picture

Two faculty positions in computational and experimental mechanics at Columbia University

Columbia University
Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

The Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics invites applications for TWO tenure-track faculty positions to support a Department initiative in Sustainable Engineering. Qualified individuals are sought with expertise in either:

(1) Computational mechanics - with an emphasis on large-scale computing applied to multi-scale, multi-phase modeling of materials (from nano- to macro-scale), and/or mechanics and materials challenges in energy and/or the environment.

Shailendra's picture

WCCM8-ECCOMAS 2008: Deadline (31-December-2007)

Dear Colleagues:

We invite you to submit an abstract in our mini-symposium titled

Length Scale Effects in Dynamic Failure of Materials


8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8)

5th. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008)

June 30 - July 4, 2008

Lido Island, Venice, Italy


Postdoctoral position in virtual surgery (RPI)

Brief description: The Advanced Computational Research Laboratory, affiliated
with the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering at Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA invites applications for a postdoctoral
position to work on a project funded by the National Institute of Biomedical
Imaging and Bioengineering of the NIH on developing real time surgical
simulation technology.  The ideal candidate will develop the

MIT Faculty Position in Computational Mechanics

The Department of Mechanical Engineering seeks an outstanding
individual at the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor
without tenure, in the area of Computational Mechanics.

karelmatous's picture

Research Programmer in Computational Mechanics

The Computational Science and Engineering Program of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is seeking highly qualified candidates for two research programmer positions. The positions are in the general area of Computational Solid Mechanics. Successful candidates will develop and implement parallel computational tools. Candidates should be able to interact with faculty and students from a wide variety of UI engineering and science departments, and be prepared to work closely with U.S. government and industry researchers.


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