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computational mechanics

Survey on XFEM: is XFEM good at characterizing Failure rather than Fracture?

Would like to hear your expertise/user/non-expert/sceptic comments on XFEM. Here are some of the challenges. Would like to hear your relections.

1. Can XFEM be utilized in characterizing Failure rather than Fracture?

2. What sort of challenges XFEM still have with respect to Fracture Mechanics?

3. How the Fracture mechanics benefit the industry, from the perspective of strcutural integrity?

4. Failue investigations vs. Fracture investigations: benefit to industry?

5. Academist vs Engineer: Perspective on XFEM

PhD Research Positions in Computational Nanomechanics at the University of Pittsburgh

Several PhD research positions are currently open in the Computational Nanomechanics Group at the University of Pittsburgh for the following research projects:


1.  Thermomechanical behavior of carbon-based nanomaterials

2.  Atomistic-to-continuum themomechanical theory in solids

3.  Mechanics of nanoporous and nanocrystalline metals


Postdoctoral Position in Computational Mechanics

A postdoctoral fellowship is available in the Duke Computational Mechanics Laboratory, beginning in September of 2010 (with flexibility on timing).  Funding for the fellowship concerns research in the simulation of dynamic fracture of polycarbonate.  The ideal candidate will have experience in some combination of the following areas (in no particular order of importance):

Javier LLorca's picture

Postdoctoral Researcher on Multiscale Modeling of Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Multifunctional Composites

The research group on ‘Structural Composites’ at IMDEA Materials seeks a Research Associate (Postdoctoral Researcher) for a collaborative European Project in the area of Multiscale Modeling of Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Multifunctional Polymer Composites, The selected candidate will work under the supervision of the project leader to develop detailed multiscale modeling tools (micro and meso levels) to predict electrical conductivity and mechanical properties  of CFRP composites reinforced with nanotubes/nanofibers.

Looking for an open PhD position in Computational Mechanics

Dear all,

I'm currently achieving a Mines ParisTech post-master degree in computational mechanics at the Center for Metal Forming (CEMEF) in France. I'm looking to a career in computational mechanics software development. To reach this goal, I'm looking out for a PhD in this field. I'm more interested in numerical methods (software engineering) than in rheologic approach of materials. Remeshing methods, crack growth modeling, crash analysis, parallel computing or multidisciplinary optimization are attractive fields I would be motivated to work on.

Opening for new Ph.D. students in the Computational Mechanics group, The University of Iowa

The Computational Mechanics group at The University of Iowa, led by Professor S. Rahman,
is looking for new Ph.D. students, who are capable of and interested in performing
high-quality research on reliability-based design optimization.  The research, supported
by NSF and others, entails developing new theory and efficient algorithms for stochastic
computing and design optimization. A solid background in mechanics and elementary
numerical analysis is a must; some exposure to uncertainty and probabilistic methods is

Julien Yvonnet's picture

Faculty Positions in Computational Multiscale methods at University Paris-Est, France

The University Paris-Est Marne la Vallée, France, invites applications for two tenure-track faculty positions in multiscale computational mechanics, as assistant professor level, for September 2010 start date. The candidates will be hosted by the Laboratory of Multiscale Computational Mechanics (Laboratoire Modélisation et Simulation Multi Echelle, MSME UMR 8208 CNRS). Successful candidates are expected to teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and carry out a research program with potential collaborations at the European and International level.

A question on UMAT implementation of non-local theory


Hi, friends,

Now, I am implementing the non-local continuum theory in ABAQUS through UMAT programming.

Unfortunately, I have been obstacled by the following question:

On one hand, in non-local continuum theory, the non-local strain of every particular integration point is determined by the global strain field all over the specimen.

Question on the definitions of secant stiffness and tangent stiffness in iterative methods for non-linear problems

Recently, I find that definitions of secant stiffness and tangent stiffness in many books seem pretty confused.Therefore, here I am giving the definitions I think correct, then give my questions on them.

Consider the equation


(1) Definition of tangent stiffness. As for the above equation, what is the tangent stiffness for some particular value x0?

Let's give the definition according basic knowledge of advanced mathematics. Let's consider the curve H(x)x~x. For this curve, y=H(x)x, so the tangent at x0 is

Julien Yvonnet's picture

ECCM IV, 2010, Paris: Symposium on multiscale methods for modelling surface effects on nanosystems and nanostructured materials

We are inviting abstracts for the following symposium: Multiscale methods for modeling surface effects on nanosystems and nanostructured materials, European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM IV), May 16-21, 2010, Paris, France.

Jidong Zhao's picture

Postdoc position at HKUST on computational mechanics/geomechanics

A post-doc position is available now for one who has recently obtained (or about to get) his/her PhD on computational
geomechanics or computational mechanics. The successful candidate is expected to have strong background of mechanics
and extensive experience on computer programming (e.g., coding in FEM and/or DEM), and is able to work independently.
He/she who has previously worked on multi-scale modeling of material behavior will be particularly welcome to apply. The
initial contract is one year and is extendable to multiple years subject to his/her performance and availability of funding.

NRC Research Fellowship Opportunity at Duke University

Researchers at Duke University are seeking applications for NRC research associates, to work with Professors David Stepp and John Dolbow.  The NRC program is unique in the sense that applicants have the opportunity to perform research on a program they design.  The positions are well-paid fellowships and are nominally for two years, extendable to a third.  

aminor's picture

Workshop on Probing the Limits of Strength, August 10-12, 2009 at LBL, Berkeley, CA

Dear Colleague:
You are cordially invited to attend a special Workshop on Probing the Limits of Strength, which will be held at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory on August 10-12, 2009. This workshop aims to bring together researchers with an interest in experimental and theoretical studies of the fundamental limits of strength in materials. The workshop will include a strong lineup of national and international speakers on advanced mechanical testing techniques and computational materials science of materials deformation at the elastic limit.

k1suthar's picture

9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics WCCM/APCOM2010

Australia is the host for the 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics in 2010. Sydney is without a doubt one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It has a reputation for friendly people, a cosmopolitan lifestyle, wonderful shopping and world class entertainment. Our magnificent harbour, renowned Opera House and sunny beaches combine to make Sydney a unique destination.

Zaoyang Guo's picture

Symposium on Computational Mechanics for Solid Materials and Structures, ICCMSE 2009, 29 Sep - 04 Oct. 2009, Rhodes, Greece

Abstract Submission Deadline: 5 September 2009. Symposium 12: Computational Mechanics for Solid Materials and Structures

Scope and Topics:
This symposium will aim at state-of-the-art computational methods for solid mechanics. Topics include but not limited to:

Henry Tan's picture

Computational Mechanics

Chair in Computational Mechanics
School of Mechanical, Aerospace & Civil Engineering

Closing date: 17/04/2009

Lucia Nicola's picture

PhD position at Delft University of Technology, NL

We welcome applications for a 4 year PhD positon in the field of computational mechanics and materials science. Further details in the attachment.

UK Newton Post-Doc Fellowship in Computational Mechanics

Dear All,

A new multi-million pound initiative to fund research collaborations and improve links between UK and overseas researchers has been launched.

The Newton International Fellowships aim to attract the most promising, early stage, post-doctoral researchers working overseas, who do not hold UK citizenship, in the fields of humanities, engineering, natural
and social sciences.


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